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Bastian Software Solutions

Alliance Partner

Partner Type: Value-Added Reseller
Partner Since: 2000


Customers in These Regions:
United States


Whether it's AS/RS, Pick to Light, Carousels or Automated Manifest Systems, Bastian Software Solutions allows you to easily integrate the latest in automation technology when you want, how you want. Combine that with our Exacta® family of software solutions to give you total control of your supply chain, creating a modular WMS/WCS solution that can grow with your company. Visit www.bastiansolutions.com or call 502.266.9999 for more information.

Has an on premise solution

About Bastian Software Solutions

For nearly 2 decades, Bastian Software Solutions has been a leader in providing supply chain execution (SCE) software and automation technologies. From concept engineering design to final implementation and support, Bastian Software Solutions is your single source for turnkey automated solutions.

2031 Nelson Miller Pkwy
Louisville, KY 40223

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