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Premier Partner

Partner Type: Value-Added Reseller
Partner Since: 2004


Customers in These Regions:
United States


Has a cloud solution
Has an on premise solution

About Pierbridge

Pierbridge was founded in 2004 by an experienced executive team with a proven track record of success in the transportation software industry. We started with a vision that we could fundamentally transform the way businesses deliver goods to their clients. Our innovations have made that vision a reality. With offices across North America and Europe, Pierbridge is now a global company and a recognized leader in the industry.

Our products are best in class. How do we know? They are the only products to achieve both FedEx “Diamond” level and UPS/ConnectShip “Platinum” level recognition for the last three years. Why? Because we consistently deliver innovative technology and excellent support while steadfastly adhering to our cultural values.

Year Established: 2004
Employees: 8000
67 Foreset St.
Suite 288
Marlborough, MA 01752-3199

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