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Case Study: Legendary Whitetails

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Legendary Whitetails

Legendary Whitetails (www.deargear,com) is a direct-to-consumer marketer of affordable fashion clothing for whitetail deer hunters. A thriving online retailer, the company has grown 25% to 30% year over year since sending out its first catalog in 1999. Sales are busiest during deer hunting season - when roughly 200,000 of the company's annual order volume of 225,000 orders are handled in a four-month period. During this time, operations ramp up from 100 orders to 8,000 orders per day. Learn more about Legendary Whitetails.


Legendary Whitetails had completely outgrown its systems. The fulfillment team had to manually export orders from the order management system and import them into the shipping system, a labor intensive process. They needed a more flexible multi-carrier shipping system that would enable them to better control freight costs.

"We did not have the real-time data we needed to maximize efficiency and better serve our customers."

Ben Huffman
Vice President of Operations
Legendary Whitetails


The company selected ADSI's (now Logistyx) Pack-IT and Ship-IT software and ConnectShip multi-carrier shipping technology to be integrated with the company's new MICROS-Retail order management system.

"This gave us a seamlessly integrated order and shipping solution that would accommodate our growth."

Ben Huffman
Vice President of Operations
Legendary Whitetails


Now, there is no time wasted with manual data entry and data file exports:
  • Order data is automatically sent from the order system to Pack-IT.
  • The staff uses Motorola scanner to scan and verify line items as they pick.
  • Packers capture and validate each line item by UPC and quantity shipped.
  • Pack-IT automatically detects duplicate or incorrect items being packed and it tracks back order status and adjusts inventory automatically.
The new process has delivered greater speed and accuracy:
  • The company has reached an outbound order accuracy rate above 99.9% on a volume of 60 orders/hour per station.
  • By eliminating manual interruptions in the workflow, the company can respond to customer service needs right up to the point of shipment.
Multi-Carrier Shipping Drives Better Freight Rates Legendary Whitetails uses small parcel carriers, the U.S. Postal Service and shipping consolidators for delivery, all maintained on Ship-IT. This multi-carrier system approach has delivered immediate payback in carrier negotiations.

"When you're dealing with an arbitrage rate shopping system it's fairly cut and dried as to who is going to deliver the package. If you can compare similar service levels between carriers, you force them to compete on price and get creative, so they come to the table with their best rate."

Ben Huffman
Vice President of Operations
Legendary Whitetails

Huffman also likes the ease with which he can add new carriers. "For example, when we wanted to add a new carrier like Newgistics, it was no problem at all. It was cost-effective to do, making it a slam-dunk to make this kind of decision," he said.

Rapid Ramp-Up With Minimal Training
Logistyx's solution has also reduced training time. "We rely heavily on seasonal labor so we need a system that allows for a very quick learning curve." said Huffman. "With Pack-IT, we can train staff in a matter of minutes. We've now established metrics we know the packers can meet, and can evaluate them in a very short time,"

Smooth Implementation and Built-In Redundancy
Huffman wanted Logistyx's system to go live in conjunction with the new order management system. Logistyx delivered. "We went from a signed contract to 'live' in 10 weeks, but I am confident we could have done it in half the time if it had been necessary," he said.

Huffman also likes the systems redundancy he now has. "Most companies have one or a few manifesting stations installed at the end of the line. If one goes down, it can have a big impact on capacity," he said. "With the Logistyx pack/ship model, you add all these levels of redundancy, so if one of these stations goes down, we only lost 5% of our capacity instead of 50%."

Ben Huffman
Vice President of Operations
Legendary Whitetails

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