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Case Study: Case Parts Company

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Case Parts

Based in Los Angeles, Case Parts Company, a commercial refrigeration parts distributor and light manufacturer, has a 19,000 square foot facility in St. Louis and an 8,000 square foot warehouse in Seattle. The company inventories more than 7,500 product SKUs and markets them through the distribution of their General Products Catalog that is recognized throughout the industry. Learn more about Case Parts Company.


Across the enterprise, Case Parts ships hundreds of packages a day, including shipments that require custom packaging and dimensional weight rating. The company understands that rules and rates in the shipping industry change frequently. They were looking for shipping software that would allow them to keep up to date and integrate easily into their current systems.


Case Parts Company recognized the power of ConnectShip technology and appreciated the flexibility of the software for integration with their own custom-developed enterprise resource planning system. This, paired with over ninety percent of Case Parts’ shipping being done through UPS®, made ConnectShip an ideal choice. A UPS Online XML services allowed Case Parts to tightly integrate address validation/classification and package tracking into their overall solution.

Case Parts’ inventory is housed in three locations integrated by a networked computer solution employing Microsoft Windows Server® 2003, Remote Desktop Services, SQL Server®, Internet Information Server and Exchange Server. ConnectShip Warehouse, based on ConnectShip’s Progistics™ server, allows them to centrally manage their distribution points. Each of the three remote warehouses has a ConnectShip Warehouse client shipping workstation with an electronic scale, bar code scanner, and thermal label printer. Real-time integration of the shipping status of any item is available across the three sites through the ERP system. Each office can see the others’ orders and shipments as they are placed. One office can ship inventory out of another with a simple mouse click.

ConnectShip Warehouse provided Case Parts with:

  • A multi-location solution that seamlessly integrates with their customized Sage MAS 500® ERP/Accounting system

  • The ability to write freight and tracking information to their accounting and sales systems and make the data available in real time to customer service reps and to customers on their website

  • Access to a reporting database to provide package history information to the front office

  • A flexible platform to implement their business rules using industry-standard VBScript

  • Free and reduced freight, bill recipient, handling fees, COD, sales tax calculation, multi-package shipping, and UPS Call Tag Service

  • A powerful platform to build on that provides

  • Free and reduced freight, bill recipient, handling fees, COD, sales tax calculation, multi-package shipping, and UPS Call Tag Service


Case Parts relies on ConnectShip to stay on top of the details and provide the tools to easily maintain their solution over the long term. Case Parts views ConnectShip as a key player on its distribution team. As both companies continue to evolve they look forward to an ongoing exchange of support and information. Case Parts Company is pleased to offer potential ConnectShip customers an opportunity to see first-hand the ease with which ConnectShip Warehouse can be integrated into a comprehensive solution.

“I have been very impressed with the developer relations at ConnectShip. Our annual licensing subscription provides a broad level of quality support. From an integrator’s prospective, their website contains the comprehensive news, documentation & tools required to design and maintain our solution. Their technical support team is superb – knowledgeable, friendly and responsive. And email notification of patches and upgrades helps us stay informed and current with UPS rates and ConnectShip technology.”

Len Russell
Director of Technology
Case Parts

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