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Home > Carriers > Passport

ConnectShip's Passport component facilitates shipping and shipment rating from origins in the United States. Using the latest Passport specifications, it generates certified package labels and manifests.

Supported Services
ePacket DDP
Express DDP
Global Plus
Priority DDP
Priority DDP Delcon
Priority DDU
Priority DDU Delcon
Standard DDU
Standard DDU Delcon

Supported Special Services
Declared Value
Delivery Confirmation

Supported Labels/Documents
Canada Customs Invoice
Certificate of Origin - Standard
Certificate of Origin - Standard (Enhanced - Num. Boxes Column)
Commercial Invoice - Standard (Enhanced)
Commercial Invoice - Standard (Original)
Commercial Invoice (Packages)
Consolidated Uniform Bill of Lading - English/French
Consolidated Uniform Bill of Lading - Standard
Consolidated VICS Bill of Lading
Passport API Package Label - Standard
Standard Label
Standard Manifest - Standard
Standard Summary Manifest
Standard Summary Manifest - Sort By Consignee Reference
Standard Summary Manifest - Sort By Shipper Reference
Standard Summary Manifest - Sort By Tracking Number
Standard Void Manifest
Uniform Bill of Lading - English/French
Uniform Bill of Lading - Standard
VICS Bill of Lading
Supported Origin Countries/Territories

For more details, please see the carrier-specific component documentation.

Origin Country/Territory Service Name
United StatesePacket DDP
Express DDP
Global Plus
Priority DDP
Priority DDP Delcon
Priority DDU
Priority DDU Delcon
Standard DDU
Standard DDU Delcon
1 origin 9 service combinations  
Contact us for more information on how to purchase the Passport component.

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