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ABF Freight

Home > Carriers > ABF Freight

ConnectShip's ABF Freight component facilitates shipping and shipment rating from the origin countries/territories listed below. Using the latest ABF Freight specifications, it generates certified package labels and BOLs (Bill of Lading).

Supported Services
ABF Freight Guaranteed LTL
ABF Freight Standard LTL

Supported Special Services
COD Mail
Dangerous Goods
Inside Delivery
Inside Pickup
Lift Gate (Delivery/Pickup)
Third Party Billing

Supported Labels/Documents
ABF Freight Bill of Lading - Standard
ABF Freight Label - Standard
ABF Freight Pro Label - Standard
Canada Customs Invoice
Certificate of Origin
Commercial Invoice
Consolidated Uniform Bill of Lading
Consolidated VICS Bill of Lading
Standard Label
Standard Manifest
Standard Summary Manifest
Standard Void Manifest
Uniform Bill of Lading
VICS Bill of Lading
The ABF Freight (Beta) component is currently available to all ConnectShip customers who contact a ConnectShip representative to request the component. We will configure license access and confirm requirements.

Customers must register for an ABF Freight account for use with ConnectShip solutions via the ABF Freight website and authorize their shipper to use the account within the ConnectShip ABF Freight component. Customers will use their ABF Freight API ID and account number assigned to their ArcBest account in the corresponding ConnectShip shipper configuration fields in order to begin shipping with the component.
Supported Origin Countries/Territories

For more details, please see the carrier-specific component documentation.

Origin Country/Territory Service Name
CanadaABF Freight Guaranteed LTL
ABF Freight Standard LTL
MexicoABF Freight Guaranteed LTL
ABF Freight Standard LTL
United StatesABF Freight Guaranteed LTL
ABF Freight Standard LTL
3 origins 6 service combinations  
Contact us for more information on how to purchase the ABF Freight component.

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